Pete’s Story
Hello my name is Pete Burns.
I have experienced being homeless and marginalised – it is not a great feeling. Here you are one day sailing along having a very good lifestyle — I had my own business in the building and construction industry and was successful in my own right. I had a house, finance for a holiday, pretty much freedom second to none. Back in 2011 there was a financial global downturn in the building industry and the company which I built hit the ground faster than it went up! All the things I took for granted were gone — house, money – everything. I was left with the clothes on my back.
Imagine having to flee the situation and find yourself sleeping in the streets or under bridges not knowing where to access food, blankets, shower even assistance. This is a situation which is completely new. We are not trained to get ready for being homeless. That is why I cannot speak highly enough of the wonderful programs that Anglicare provide, not only at St Peter’s but also St Mark’s. See, what it gives you as a person living homeless and marginalised is a connection point and access to the basic essentials needed to survive. It is very important to have a place to access support and get some direction to help rebuild your life.
This wonderful program is all about building a community where people can come to and feel like they belong - somewhere with a sense of empathy, care, and someone to trust. In my opinion this is the best breakfast program in town. St Mark’s is great too, with a wonderful lunch program and access to food parcels, a shower, and facilities to wash your clothes. Also very important is assistance from staff. Ongoing support of the Lazarus Centre is paramount to keeping the programs running. I am evidence of the good these programs achieve. St Peter’s and St Mark’s played a big part in my being able to move forward.